Relación del funcionamiento ejecutivo del área dorsolateral y procrastinación en adultos jóvenes normotípicos
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Pontificia Universidad Javariana Cali
La procrastinación es la dilatación para iniciar o finalizar una tarea o acción; así mismo las funciones ejecutivas cumplen un rol relevante en la conducta procrastinadora. Por tal motivo se tiene como objetivo de este estudio analizar la asociación entre las funciones ejecutivas relacionadas a la corteza dorso lateral (CPFdl) y la procrastinación en adultos jóvenes normotípicos. Se enmarca desde un paradigma positivista, con un enfoque cuantitativo, no experimental explicativo, con un diseño descriptivo de tipo correlacional, transversal. con un muestreo intencional de 60 personas entre hombres y mujeres de 20 a 40 años. Se evidencio en la población evaluada de Cali, Santa Marta y Cúcuta, la asociación entre la procrastinación y las funciones ejecutivas relacionadas a la CPFdl, medido a través de la batería neuropsicológica de funciones ejecutivas y lóbulos frontales (BANFE 2) y la procrastinación, utilizando la versión española de la escala general de procrastinación de Lay (GP). Debido a que a mayor procrastinación menor rendimiento ejecutivo de la corteza dorsolateral.procrastination is the delay in starting or finishing a task or action; likewise, executive functions play a relevant role in procrastinating behavior. for this reason, the objective of this study is to analyze the association between executive functions related to the dorsal lateral cortex (dlpfc) and procrastination in normotypical young adults. it is framed from a positivist paradigm, with a quantitative, non-experimental explanatory approach, with a descriptive correlational, cross-sectional design, with an intentional sampling of 60 people between men and women from 20 to 40 years old. in the evaluated population of cali, santa marta and cúcuta, the association between procrastination and executive functions related to the dlpfc was evidenced, measured through the neuropsychological battery of executive functions and frontal lobes (banfe 2) and procrastination, using the spanish version of the general procrastination scale of lay (gp). because greater procrastination means lower executive performance of the dorsolateral cortex.
Procrastination is the delay in starting or finishing a task or action; likewise, executive functions play a relevant role in procrastinating behavior. for this reason, the objective of this study is to analyze the association between executive functions related to the dorsal lateral cortex (dlpfc) and procrastination in normotypical young adults. it is framed from a positivist paradigm, with a quantitative, non-experimental explanatory approach, with a descriptive correlational, cross-sectional design, with an intentional sampling of 60 people between men and women from 20 to 40 years old. in the evaluated population of cali, santa marta and cúcuta, the association between procrastination and executive functions related to the dlpfc was evidenced, measured through the neuropsychological battery of executive functions and frontal lobes (banfe 2) and procrastination, using the spanish version of the general procrastination scale of lay (gp). because greater procrastination means lower executive performance of the dorsolateral cortex.
Procrastinación, Funciones Ejecutivas, Corteza dorsolateral, Procrastination, Executive functions, Dorsolateral cortex