Design and implementation of thermal measurement device to calculate thermal loads of a vis-type house

This document describes the design and implementation of an electronic device capable of remotely measuring and recording data related to thermal comfort within a scaled model of a social housing. The system is able to identify and quantify the modes of heat transfer inside the house (Conduction, Radiation and Convection) and the inertial effects that generate important variations between the exterior and interior. Among the variables measurable by the device are: the temperature and humidity of the external air, the average radiant temperature, the internal and external temperature of the roof, the internal and external temperature of the walls, ultraviolet radiation in windows. The work began with the study of low-income housing in the metropolitan area of Cali and its surroundings, which made it possible to identify its architectural and material characteristics, and its behavior in reference to local the local climatic temperatures. A study was carried out to identify the thermal loads and the heating curves of the housing. The device was carried out following the CDIO (Conceive Design Implement Operate) methodology, investigating in depth the most suitable sensors and microcontrollers for this task. It was developed a measurement device with storage and transmission of data through Wi-Fi. The device consist of an ESP 32, a microcontroller that can store and transmit the sensors information with low energy consumption. For conduction temperature, DS18B20 sensors were used. In the case of convection, a DHT 11 sensor, which measures the temperature and air humidity was used. Finally, in the case of radiation, an AMG8833 sensor, which measures the temperature by radiation on the roof and walls of the house was used. A box was designed, using 3D printing, to contain the humidity safe electronic devices. In the first stage of tests, the calibration of the sensors was made using known values, such as the melting and evaporation temperatures of water, an air conditioning equipment and a smart refrigerator were used as well. The experimental results were close to the reference values used, with errors of less than 5%, concluding that there is a good reliability. On the other hand the data were stored in periods of 15 minutes without problems in terms of connectivity and remote access to the data.
Scale model, Thermal comfort, Thermal loads, VIS-type Housing