Análisis de las políticas públicas que vinculan al sector empresarial en el marco de reparación a las víctimas del conflicto armado colombiano

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Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali
El sector empresarial ha participado en el conflicto colombiano con la financiación a los grupos armados al margen de la ley y el uso de las tierras del campesinado, considerados víctimas, por lo cual resulta relevante una comparación casuística que evidencie las consecuencias generadas en violación de los derechos humanos de estas personas. Con base en lo anterior, la investigación centra el análisis legislativo en contraste con la realidad social y persigue tres objetivos: 1, determinar la relación de las empresas con el conflicto armado en Colombia, 2, conocer los antecedentes normativos que regulan la participación de la empresa privada en la reparación integral de las víctimas y 3, analizar la participación de este sector en la reparación y la forma en que se pueden proponer recomendaciones para que las medidas adoptadas por el Gobierno Nacional sean efectivas, dando respuesta a la pregunta ¿se consideran vinculantes las políticas públicas adoptadas por el Gobierno Nacional en relación con las empresas del sector privado como promotoras de los Derechos Humanos? Teniendo en cuenta la normatividad sobre responsabilidad social empresarial, la justicia transicional y justicia restaurativa como formas de reparación y los lineamientos de Política Pública sobre Empresas y Derechos Humanos, se recaba en la necesidad de reparación y rehabilitación colectiva como obligación estatal, vinculando al sector privado como principal agente económico promotor de los Derechos Humanos en el marco de reparación integral, con el fin de lograr una participación positiva dentro del conflicto armado.
Colombia since the middle of the 20th century has been immerse in one of the longest armed conflict in modern history: the conflict between the Colombian army forces and armed groups. This conflict has been one of the cruelest in the continent, with thousands of victims, murders and, above all, silence of the state authorities. The private sector has been a key player in this conflict, helping these armed groups to grow and to sustain themselves thanks to its financial support; deepening the Colombian armed conflict, particularly in remote areas of the country, where historically the state presence has been null. In consequence, many attempts to come to an agreement to end the conflict has been made, only had success until 2012, when the Colombian government and the FARC-EP guerrilla began peace negotiations. As a result, in 2016 both parties came to a Peace Agreement, which had a positive effect on the Colombian people and the international community. In this respect, a peace agreement entails tough decisions and the resistance of the implicated parties, especially those whose where involved in gross violations of human rights, which involve many actors, including the private sector; therefore, this actor needs to be taken into account regarding policies and decisions related with reparation of the victims of the conflict. Further, this paper exposes the basic concept of reparation and its relation with the peace negotiations, with a comparative analysis of different countries and historical moments; then, continues with the role of companies in situations of conflict and post conflict, the Corporate Social Responsibility and its means to repair the victims. Continuing, responsibility is assigned to companies concerning the success of the Colombian Peace Agreement, showing the positive outlooks that Colombia could experiment by having the private sector as a partner in the reincorporation of the former combatants to civil life. This research closes with recommendations for the parties in charge of policy making, so they integrate different initiatives, public and private, which, having strong legal basis, can pave the way to achieve a stable and enduring peace in Colombia.
Conflicto, Estado, Víctimas, Responsabilidad social, Derechos humanos, Política pública, Reparación integral, Conflict, State, Victims, Social Responsibility, Human Rights, Public policy, Reparation